Pkware smartcrypt icon
Pkware smartcrypt icon

pkware smartcrypt icon pkware smartcrypt icon

Users of the free and commercial versions will have one year of support in which it is recomended that. The Viivo service will remain online until July 1st, 2018. Consolidating policy and key management simplifies administration to reduce the risk of errors and blind spots, while also freeing time for personnel to tackle other tasks. Viivo End of Life Effective July 1st, 2017 PKWARE has announced End of Life for Viivo. Thales KeySecure encryption and key management appliance secures and centralizes the administration of Smartcrypt’s keys and certificates. As a bonus, the ability to compress data reduces strains on bandwidth and allows customers to derive greater return on storage investments. As long as the recipient has been granted access to the proper encryption key, the message will open with no further action by the user. Compression ratio results are very dependent upon the data used for the tests.

Pkware smartcrypt icon zip#

In any of its deployment scenarios, end-users see no change to their experience while organizations escape needing significant changes to their underlying infrastructure. Smartcrypt is a data security solution that persistently protects critical information, even when it moves outside. drags the encrypted file onto the Smartcrypt Reader icon. Just click on the icon or file name to download the zip file, unzip it, and then either run the included setup program (for bundles) or copy the new version of the files to the directory on your hard drive where the program currently resides. Smartcrypt for z/OS is flexible customers can embed encryption directly into their applications, or secure mainframe databases with field-level, length-preserving encryption. PKWARE Smartcrypt Platform for z/OS offers organizations a mainframe encryption solution to secure their sensitive data.

Pkware smartcrypt icon