This is actually a far more elegant card than people might give it credit for. If Nvidia had released the GTX 680 performing generally slower than the AMD Radeon HD 7970 then it would have had to be a hell of a lot cheaper and you can bet AMD's Austin HQ would've started looking like a frat house with non-stop high-fives and fist-bumping.įrom this opening you could surmise that, because of the prior expectations we had of it, we were pretty non-plussed about this new card.Īs it turns out this Kepler-based Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 is far more than just another big, power-hungry graphics card, relying on pure grunt alone to give it the edge. That meant Nvidia could see how the competition was performing and ensure its engineers finalised the GTX 680 specs and set the clocks to ensure the requisite 10% performance improvement. We all kind of knew that would be the case, after all Nvidia has played the waiting game with AMD, letting the competition draw first and release its entire slew of HD 7000 graphics cards. Their testing found the NVIDIA suffered some higher frame latencies than the AMD, though the $50 price difference in RRP was enough to make them overlook it, along with the fact that "any difference is probably imperceptible to the average person.Shut down the PSU, turn off the monitors and sit back with your pipe and slippers knowing that it was an easy job, done adequately. Both GTX 680 and 980 offer similar levels of power consumption, and both have the 256-bit memory bus.
Of all the reviews, perhaps it's The Tech Report that isn't so convinced the GTX 680 completely ousts the Radeon HD 7970. NVidia GeForce GTX 680 Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003. Nvidia GeForce GTX Titan - 66 (50) Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 - 45 (35) AMD Radeon HD 7990 - 116 (87) AMD Radeon HD 7970 GHz - 65 (50) Max Payne 3 - FPS: Higher is better. That advantage could well increase, however, with Maximum PC pointing out that the Kepler chips apparently have headroom to increase power consumption and thus performance too. Taken altogether, on paper GTX 680 has roughly 195 the shader performance, 260 the texture performance, 87 of the ROP performance, and 100 of the memory bandwidth of GTX 580. "To put it simply, the GeForce GTX 680 is the fastest single-GPU based graphics card we have tested to date" Hot Hardware said of the NVIDIA, pegging it 5- to 25-percent faster than the Radeon HD 7970 depending on task.
Still, they managed to get their review card up to 1,250MHz core and 6,608MHz memory speeds with no apparent stability issues. During editors day Nvidia opened things up by boldly stating that the new GTX 680 will be the most powerful and most efficient card on the market. Hexus took the overclocking potential of the GeForce to task, something made somewhat confusing since users will need to juggle frequencies and TDP targets to get the best results. We were absolutely surprised that the GeForce GTX 680 had no trouble keeping pace with the Radeon HD 7970 at 5760x1200." "We configured an NV Surround triple-display configuration and gamed on three displays from the single GeForce GTX 680" the site writes, "we wanted to be able to run at the native resolution of 5760x1200 and compare the performance to the Radeon HD 7970. It's an opinion shared by HardOCP, who pushed the new NVIDIA to its multi-screen limits.